why is that every time i need to take a shower someone takes it and i have to skip having one!?
:: posted by craig, 13:53

Yes, I know I'm A Little Behind...

So I have just started watching "So You Think You Can Dance" Season 2 a couple weeks ago and finally finished watching the finale two nights ago. Let's just say that I was hoping Travis would win, bu I knew Benji would. I figured I needed to lament a little..... And yes, I apologize for being so behind in the world.
:: posted by craig, 13:23

Studying for Financial Accounting...
:: posted by craig, 19:05

Wanting to Go So Bad....

Too bad I have things to do tomorrow night. :(
:: posted by craig, 12:30

About Me
Name: Craig Vanderveen
Location: Ancaster, Ontario, Canada
Academic Year: Business Management & Political Science Student
Summer: Student Manager, Production Services at RUC
Interests: Soccer, Snowboarding, Curling, Taekwondo, Music, Architecture, Design, Law, Politics, Cooking, Ice Cream, Special K Strawberries with 1/2 bowl of milk
Movies: Anti-trust, Zoolander, Napoleon Dynamite, Just Friends, The Constant Gardner, The Island
Music: Trance/Techno, R&B/Hip-Hop, Rock/Punk; favourite song of all time is Robert Miles - Children
Book: In Defence of Politics by Bernard Crick
My Music Top Five
1. DJ Joop - Sonsuz
2. Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Face Down
3. DJ Tiesto feat. Christian Burns - In The Dark
4. Don Diablo - Fade Away (Round & Round) (U-Turn Remix)
5. Dave202 - Global Trance
My Links
Those who feel that Allah has put them on a mission to expedite the coming of the "hidden prophet" - known as the "Mahdi" - and bring him out of hiding through a period of global chaos, mass terror and global catastrophe by the acquiring of and usage of nuclear weapons...
Ahmadinejad, Mahmood, President of Iran
Friends Travel Blogs
Donkersloot, Katy (Europe 2007)
Oosterhof, Karen (Europe 2007)
Redeemer Colleagues
Burgsma, Jordan
deGroot, Robyn
de Ruijter, Willem
Ebels, Kimber
Elgersma, Stephanie
Faul-Groen, Amyann
Feddes, Ashley
Harskamp, James
Hughes, Amy
Kastelein, Adrienne
Kikkert, Liz
Legg, Rachel
Ponsen, Dan
Pypker, Steve
Selles, Timothy
Sikkema, Rebecca
Stewart, Laura
Vandenberg, Katrina
van der Woerd, Mark
Van Egmond, Sonja
Vlasblom, Andrew
Redeemer Professors
Koyzis, Dr.David
Strauss, Dr.Gideon
Ex-Redeemer Colleagues
Arce, Mikey
Armstrong, Natalie
Baxter, Josh
Belder, Jake
Dauphin, Louizandre
DeJager, Yolisa
DeRooy, Miranda
Donkersloots, The
Doornbos, Gayle
Dorm 8 Girls
Dyck, Jo
Dykstra, Tim
Frisk, Sam
Gerrits, Nikki
Greydanus, Richard
Gysbers, Aaron
Harsevoort, Piet
Harskamp, Brian
Hayman, Ashley
Henson, Andrea
Johnson, Cheryl
Joustra, Rob
Klassen, Jenn
Lam, Felix
Legg, Jason
Ling, Annie
Luis, Erma
Molenaar, Ange
Oosterhoff, Richard
Ponomarenko, Mira
Postma, Albert
Postma, Dan
Shultz, Lauren
Sinke, Darren
Slotegraaf, Emily
Speelman, Rachel
Thomson, Sarah
VanderDeen, Karen
Vander Klippe, Stephen
Vandorp, Jake
Van Oosten, Brian
Van Oosten, Jen
Veenstra, Seth
Zuidhof, Heather
Ancaster CanRef Folk
Gootjes, Kees
Hoogstad, Kevin & Amy
Lodder, Randy & Karen
VanDoornik, Jocelin
van Popta, Rev. George
van Popta, Sarah
Other Websites
Ancaster Canadian Reformed Church
BBC World News
Canadian/American Reformed Churches
Charles Adler Online
Dufferin Christian School
French Explore Program
Home Star Runner
Popular Science
Redeemer University College
The Crown Online
The Conservative Party of Canada
The New Z103.5
The Western Standard
Town of Carman Website