


why is that every time i need to take a shower someone takes it and i have to skip having one!?
:: posted by craig, 13:53 | link | 0 comments |

Yes, I know I'm A Little Behind...

So I have just started watching "So You Think You Can Dance" Season 2 a couple weeks ago and finally finished watching the finale two nights ago. Let's just say that I was hoping Travis would win, bu I knew Benji would. I figured I needed to lament a little..... And yes, I apologize for being so behind in the world.
:: posted by craig, 13:23 | link | 2 comments |


Studying for Financial Accounting...

:: posted by craig, 19:05 | link | 1 comments |


Wanting to Go So Bad....

Too bad I have things to do tomorrow night. :(
:: posted by craig, 12:30 | link | 1 comments |