

the selk'bag

i gotta get me one of these; i'm thinking there could be good times on the trampoline, or, maybe i can suprise people at work this summer. we could have selk'bag friday's in the redeemer main office! the possibilities are endless...

mikey should be in on this with me.

if anyone is actually interested in this crazy thing, it is called a selk'bag - a sleeping bag in the shape of your body.

you can find more information here

:: posted by craig, 19:20


They are awesome!
Blogger de Ruijter, at 9:26 a.m.  
lets do it.
Blogger mikey, at 3:20 p.m.  
I'm scared....
Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:08 p.m.  
hahaha! i think these are the best things invented since sliced bread. i definately could have used one of these on my frosty camping trip.
ps. they remind me of the michelin man
Blogger Katrina VandenBerg, at 6:00 p.m.  

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