

hahaha, i couldn't resist

:: posted by craig, 09:41


Alright, while the bread post made me laugh out loud, this one has a fatal flaw. As all stick-in-the-muds know, it is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil. Therefore your point about girls is null and void (although you do make a good case for boy=dumb) ;)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:25 p.m.  
i have to disagree, for if the love of money is the root of all evil, and girls are = money^2, than the love of girls is the same as the love of money. so girls can still be evil.

beat that :p
Blogger craig, at 8:39 p.m.  
*sigh* Okay...I have to admit I'm defeated....FOR NOW (you TOTALLY suck by the way). Hmm...I'm having deja vu here...didn't we have an equally irrational argument about art appreciation when we worked together at Premier?
Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:06 p.m.  
I've gotta back Pamela up here with some further defense. Your first statement is that girls require time and money (time + money) however you proceed to conclude time x money instead.... In only one instance are + and x equated like that. 2x2 and 2+2. I therefore wish to quote Pamela: boy=dumb.
Although I'll give you credit, it is funny.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:04 a.m.  
true, the first statement may read "girls = time and money" but you are assuming that girls are simply the sum of time + money. the statement that "girls are time and money" does not allow you to right away quntify the expression as a simple addition formula. for although they both require time and money, these two factors combined could have a greater cost/outcome than a simple addition formula; thus, the multiplication of time and money may be justified.

to further justify this, here is a better equation.

girls = money (time + money)
time = money, so girls = money (2money)
therefore girls = 2money^2
and if money = root of all evil
than girls = 2 X (root of all evil)^2

therefore girls = 2 X evil
as a result, girls are, nevertheless, evil.

therefore, although you have a point, the multiplication of time X money is both possible and justified.
Blogger craig, at 10:00 a.m.  
Although I find myself happily engaged to a girl who definitely does not equal evil (although an occasional barrage of unnecessary punches may indicate otherwise), I find the above extremely side-splitting.
Blogger Jake Belder, at 6:43 p.m.  
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Blogger AlivePoet, at 1:07 a.m.  
This is... priceless!
Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:11 a.m.  

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