

Top Five Courses that Should Not be Core or Offered at Redeemer. Period.

  1. Theatre 103: Introduction to Theatre - Even theatre majors describe this course as useless! Most students at Redeemer are not studying theatre and therefore they don't care how plays were put on in ancient Greece or the factors behind Sybmolism, Expressionism, Futurism, Comedie del' Artie and whatever crazyiness such people came up with back in the day. Im a business and political science major; theatre is a waste of my time.
  2. Physical Education 101: Introduction to Physical Education - Students should have been taught this in high school already. Not only does this offer nothing to students, most students lie on their lab reports, and professors fail to connect the course to the respective majors by focussing on stress management and work ethic.
  3. Business 251: Information Technology - Not exactly a core course, but core for a business major. It is a great course to introduce people to technology...LIKE TEN YEARS AGO! These days kids learn how to use Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint and Word in high school! I understand that the course was groundbreaking ten years ago but really the information is outdated. Change the course or throw it out!
  4. Religion 101 - I don't think people should be forced to take a course that tells the story of the Bible, I learnt the story in my Christian high school and catechism classes. I can see if a student did not go to a Christian high school or goes to a church with weak doctrine, but really, it's not necessary for people like me.
  5. Religion 251: Reformation Theology - Just like Religion 101, Reformational Theology is my 13 years of Christian school and 6 years of Catechism all over again. I understand all concepts of predestination, the Trinity, the sinfulness of man, and Calvin; unless students come from a non-Reformed church, they will know it all already. Plus the class intentionally avoids any real topics of contention between people at Redeemer, such as, infant baptism, etc.
  6. Music 101 - This course is pure ridiculousness; not only does it have the work load of a 4th year course, complete with 14 page paper and killer exams, the information learnt is nice but completely a waste of time considering people's majors. Once again, if the student is a music major the course has merit, otherwise it has none.
  7. Physical Education: Fundamentals of...Anything - I don't understand how people can get a quarter course credit for playing sports; period. Really? fundamentals of soccer? I'm pretty sure most PED majors already understand how to play soccer, basketball, football, hockey, dance, or whatever they are. I should get a quarter credit for doing homework or hanging out with my friends if this is the case!
  8. Social Work Minor - according to people in the field, the Social Work minor is completely useless to take at Redeemer as employers in the field require that social workers have a Bachelor Degree in Social Work; Redeemer does not offer this.

Oops, that was about three more than five. Oh well. I find it ironic how a university which drills it in our heads that we are to be stewards of God's creation, or to be wise with our resources, that we waste both time and money on the above such courses.

:: posted by craig, 10:10 | link | 5 comments |


Deputy PM?

So Prime Minister Stephen Harper was sworn in along with his cabinet yesterday. But, when I look at the cabinet positions I can't find who the Deputy PM is! Does anyone have a head's up?
:: posted by craig, 08:16 | link | 2 comments |


After a long downtime the Student Senate website is now up and running. Enjoy!
:: posted by craig, 00:31 | link | 3 comments |