


So I just finished seeing the Liberal attack ad here in Ontario. Now maybe I'm not understanding it, but as far as I know, it seems that all it says is, "Stephen Harper=Mike Harris. Mike Harris screwed your province over (i really don't know if this is true)and so Stephen Harper will too." (I think it is because they are both Conservatives or something...I dunno.) Do the Liberals really think that the electorate is stupid enough to fall for this crap?
:: posted by craig, 17:20


Well, I mean, the Fed Conservatives could just point out what the McGuinty is doing these days.... Other than being a pawn of the powerful teachers' unions, he is actually implementing policies which the Prov. Conservs. had on the to-do list. The kicker is that McGuinty campaigned against them, and now he uses them. (For example, nuclear power)

But it is cheap jab, and i am sure that most Ontarians are already noting a connection between the two.
Blogger y, at 1:16 p.m.  

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