

A Conservative Government?

Riding on the wave of the media's sole agreement that the Conservatives are positioned to become the next government (even the CBC says so), my roomates and I were reveling in such an idea tonight. As I told them how even the likes of Gilles Duceppe were paying more attention to Harper,(clearly due to the increase in Conservative support dans la belle province), Chris jests, "Do you think that the CBC will change their official color from red, to blue, in order to appease a Conservative government?"

:: posted by craig, 22:45


good question. however, remember that the Reform party wanted to end the funding to CBC, and let it be private just like all the other stations. i doubt that the CBC will have friendly relations with the conservatives. Even now on CBC, you notice stories about the ineffectiveness of polling, and Martin getting longer sound bits than Harper.... Guess we will wait and see.
Blogger y, at 6:20 p.m.  

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