

shutting themselves in...

Apparently, the US is looking into constructing a "physical barrier" on the 49th parallel to prevent terrorists from coming through. im sure we all think this is ridiculous. does anyone think that the US federal government is driving farther away from the will of the people? could this cause them to ultimately shut themselves out of the rest of the world? it seems like they feel that everyone is out to get them, especially since support for the war in iraq has crashed like a plane into the ground. but would citizens of the US really care? do they really care about the rest of the world outside of their country?
:: posted by craig, 17:36


i think some of them do care.maybe 50-50.whats the point of constructing that barrier anyway??it only shows that what the world thinks about them is right.
Blogger lymeq, at 6:29 a.m.  

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