

Belinda Stronach's Viagra Joke

So it turns out that Belinda Stronach has some wit to make up for her lack of competence as a cabinet minister. This article was the third most important story on Thursday on the CBC site...and to think we might have had an election without the CBC to help the liberals along.

Miss Stronach was quoted on This Hour is 22 Minutes responding to one of the actors comments:

Actor: "You're a House of Commons wrecker being seduced by an older man who then, you
find out, can't even get his polls up....It's not the size of his caucus; it's what he does with it."

Miss Stronach: "You know, I recommended to Stephen once that to rise in his polls he should
take a little Viagra. But the pill got stuck in his throat and all he got was a stiff neck."

And the article goes on and on about it. If no one has ever seen a clear case where the CBC is biased to the liberals, here is one for you. Check out the story at:

Oh CBC...why can't you just have a strike again...maybe unions have served at least one good purpose....
:: posted by craig, 21:35


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