

So the guys in my dorm were bored tonight and decided to make some trading cards...of us. Ya...the creativity even amazes me. Way to much on time on their hands. You would think they had school work to do...obviously they aren't business or political science majors.  Posted by Picasa
:: posted by craig, 00:26


Very cool trading cards - it brings out the boybandishness in you... :P
Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:35 p.m.  
I love the cards - did two different people do them? The first two have completely differently shaped heads...
Blogger Sarah, at 9:38 a.m.  
hey sarah! long time no talk! well i hope you are doing well! and congrats on the engagement! anyways yah, kevin and chris designed the cards...which is probably why they look different. we are just add-ons. oh well.
Blogger craig, at 5:45 p.m.  

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