

Maybe we should just let it go...

So since the CBC has been plagued by a strike for the past couple months with no resolution in sight, I think that this may be a good time to discuss getting rid of the CBC for good.

Let's face it, the CBC is crap. The only thing that keeps that corporation going is their sports programs - hockey night in Canada, the Olympics, etc. and some of their comedic parody shows (rick mercer's monday report, air farce, etc.) Besides these, the broadcasting corporation is crap. It is not like their news is any good - what do you expect from a corporation that is publicly funded by the government? Can anybody say propaganda?

I think it is also important to realize that the CBC in Quebec in Canada, known as Radio-Canada, is notoriously known to be separatist leaning, and played a huge role in the push for separatism in 1995 and the years previous. (Just look at our new Governor General - from the CBC and a person once involved in the separatist movement.) The Canadian public have indirectly supported the Quebec separatist agenda through their taxes.

I say that we should just face the fact that without government sponsoring, the CBC would not survive. Why should they deserve to be funded and every other television network have to support themselves? I find that the CBC has long-fulfilled its original purpose. So why do we have it? Its just further wasteful spending by the liberal government.

At the same time I think we should revise the CRTC. The CRTC was originally created to stop the "Americanization" of Canada in fear that we should become the 51st state. It is now clear from my studies that Canada will not be joining the States in a long time. The political cultures of both countries are too different and there are too many other small differences that exist imbetween both countries; all the American TV will not make a difference in the matter.

With the decrease in costs of satellite it is a lot more common to find a large amount of American television shows in Canada. Does it really make a difference? I think that Canadian television should be judged in the same way as American television shows and if they are good, they will survive. The only reason why the CRTC is still here is because Quebec uses it to stop the "Anglasizing" of their province. They constantly are complaining about the lack of French television or radio shows and that if the CRTC doesn't prevent the Anglaphone media from breaking down the door, their culture will be overrun and destroyed. And in today's political culture, when Quebec wants something, they get it.

So I find myself wandering why we even have such archaic institutions which really only serve the purpose of Quebec separatists. Maybe it is time we should just let them go...
:: posted by craig, 23:04


Check out CBCUnlocked, which grows out of the labour difficulties at the CBC.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:48 a.m.  

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