just checking-in
12:00p.m.-1:15p.m. Operations Management
1:30p.m.-2:45p.m. Ancient & Medieval Political Theory
11a.m.-12:15p.m. Russian Government and Politics
12:30p.m.-1:45p.m. Introduction to Financial...Something
2:00p.m.-3:15p.m. Introduction to Computer Programming
otherwise, i have been busy getting all the clubs up and running for this year. there are going to be some needed reforms in the way things operate this year and so that will keep me quite busy. i also have been working on my room. i painted in this week to a navy blue. this morning i went to ikea for the first time ever. it was so much fun. i bought a fern which i named ferdy. i also bought a lamp, garbage can, pen holder and a tv holder ( you know those ones you always see in the dentist office where the tv is in the top corner of the room being held up by this tray screwed into the wall - yah i have one of those). i also decided that i am going to make my own bed frame and desk in order to save money. should be a good time. but otherwise that is it besides hanging out with friends. i kinda like living off campus this year. i feel really old though with all these first years running around. oh well. anyways until next time. out.