

Recovering from sleeping while I walk to class

So I woke up at 7:30 this morning and the first half of my day was rough. So after my first class, I decided to skip Philosophy class and went home to take a nap. After 3/4 an hour of sleep, I woke up and headed to my next class. While I was recovering from my sleep (a little dillusionional at the time) and walking to class I started to notice how beautiful it was outside. I looked around and the birds were chirping, there was a warm breeze and the sun was shining down on me. It just hit me how awesome God's creation was. So I continued walking down the path admiring God's creation and oh, whats that? Its the sound of machinery slowing growing in the background like the sound of a train coming closer, as I slowly came back to reality. "What was that smell?" I thought to myself as I turned my head I saw before me: construction. The grass was all ripped up, the air stank, and it was noisy. The construction crew was busy tarring the roof of the university. Everything I saw was disgusting and dirty and looked like it didn't belong. I turned my head again and looked at the other side of the path which was beautiful and still in good condition. How I wanted to have a steam roller and run down all the buildings and construction, releasing nature from its cruel oppression. I began to think how strange man treats creation; how he hordes it, abuses it, and does with it what he pleases. But alas, I arrived at the door some brief moments later, coming into full reality and life.
:: posted by craig, 16:13


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